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Organise Vendor Master Data with Canopy COLLECT. 

Eliminate scattered data and gain effortless, secure access to all vendor information.

*Yes really, just £99 a month. And it's designed for ease of use, so you can be up and running today.

01 / Deploy a single, accurate, up-to-date Vendor Master Record for every supplier

With Canopy COLLECT, you can quickly access all supplier information (contracts, banking information, ESG, diversity, performance ratings, and more) from one secure record. Your business stakeholders, such as Finance and Sales, can access the information they desperately need.


Now you can resolve issues and action opportunities faster with efficient Supplier Data Management.


Our team worked hard to make Canopy COLLECT easy to use, so you don't have to. Input your data, and be operational today.

*Cancel anytime during the free trial.

02/ Reduce admin and boost the accuracy of supplier data management in all teams

Track the expiry of key information and assign relationship owners from within your business to take responsibility for supplier information. Ensure the data you rely on for trade remains accurate, and documentation is up-to-date.

Now you have reduced your manual effort and costs.


03 / Know exactly who you’re working with

Canopy COLLECT ensures you fully understand your suppliers, what they do for you, and where they work. This information is also available to all the buyers in your business, acting as a Supplier Data Management directory of onboarded suppliers with whom to trade.

Now you know exactly who you choose to work with and can select the best.


*Cancel anytime during the free trial. Canopy COLLECT is so easy to use, you can input your data and be operational today.

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Canopy COLLECT is a Supplier Data Management (SDM) module that lets you pull all your supplier information, such as contracts, into Vendor Master Records. It is fully configurable to capture the data you need and define parameters such as document expiry notifications. Canopy COLLECT minimises administration and maximises data visibility securely across all your business teams. It works out of the box, delivering value from Day One.



Canopy is a Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) platform designed specifically for small procurement teams. It gives you complete visibility of your supplier data and eliminates manual administration from your supplier operations. Canopy has tiered modules for Supplier Data Management (SDM) (this site), Supplier Onboarding, and Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLM).


Canopy is built by OCG Software, experts in Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) and winners of the CIPS Excellence in Technology Procurement Award. OCG Software Ltd. is registered in England and Wales.

Registered Number 01604358

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