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What is Supplier Data Management?

The page explains what Supplier Data Management (SDM) is and how the process centralises and organises supplier information. Key features include vendor master data management, API integration, and support for business growth through effective data handling.

Wht is CanopyCOLLECT?

What is Supplier Data Management (SDM)?

Supplier Data Management (SDM) involves systematically organising, maintaining, and utilising information related to a company's suppliers. It encompasses various aspects, including supplier identification, contract management, information sharing, compliance monitoring, and relationship management. SDM aims to centralise supplier data, ensure data accuracy and consistency, improve visibility into supplier activities, streamline communication and collaboration with suppliers, mitigate risks, and optimise supplier relationships to drive business value and operational efficiency.


What is Canopy COLLECT?

Canopy COLLECT is a comprehensive Supplier Data Management (SDM) solution designed to streamline and centralise vendor information for businesses. By consolidating scattered data into configurable Vendor Master Records (VMR), Canopy COLLECT ensures maximum visibility with minimal administrative effort, allowing seamless access to supplier data across all business teams.



​Canopy COLLECT offers a robust and intuitive solution for Supplier Data Management, enabling businesses to centralise, streamline, and leverage supplier information effectively. With its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface, Canopy COLLECT drives operational efficiency, mitigates risks, and fosters growth opportunities for organisations across various industries.

Canopy COLLECT Supplier Data Management platform

Our team worked hard to make Canopy COLLECT easy to use, so you don't have to. Input your data, and be operational today.

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Key features and benefits

  1. Complete Visibility: Canopy COLLECT provides a secure platform for managing supplier information, offering a single source of truth for all suppliers within the system. This visibility enhances decision-making and promotes operational efficiency.

  2. Efficient Supplier Data Management: The platform includes essential features for effective SDM, such as communication details, spend analysis, contract management, insurance and certifications tracking, and compliance monitoring. This comprehensive approach facilitates informed decision-making and mitigates risks associated with supplier relationships.

  3. Vendor Master Data Management: Canopy COLLECT's Vendor Master Data page is a central hub for all supplier-related information, reducing administrative burden, increasing productivity, and enhancing supply chain visibility.

  4. API Integration and Data Exchange: The platform integrates with third-party sources and internal business systems through APIs, ensuring data consistency and accuracy across all departments. This capability minimises manual effort and reduces operational costs associated with managing supplier data.

  5. Contract Management: Canopy COLLECT facilitates efficient contract management by linking contracts to the supplier's Vendor Master Record. This feature ensures immediate access to contractual terms, prevents missed renewal deadlines, and automates supplier termination processes.

  6. Information Sharing and Collaboration: With Canopy COLLECT, businesses can easily share and collaborate on supplier profiles across different teams. Access permissions allow control over user capabilities, ensuring secure and streamlined information sharing.

  7. Business Growth Opportunities: By providing quick access to supplier data, Canopy COLLECT empowers sales teams to respond to tenders more effectively, leading to improved revenue opportunities and accelerated business growth.


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Canopy COLLECT is a Supplier Data Management (SDM) module that lets you pull all your supplier information, such as contracts, into Vendor Master Records. It is fully configurable to capture the data you need and define parameters such as document expiry notifications. Canopy COLLECT minimises administration and maximises data visibility securely across all your business teams. It works out of the box, delivering value from Day One.



Canopy is a Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) platform designed specifically for small procurement teams. It gives you complete visibility of your supplier data and eliminates manual administration from your supplier operations. Canopy has tiered modules for Supplier Data Management (SDM) (this site), Supplier Onboarding, and Supplier Lifecycle Management (SLM).


Canopy is built by OCG Software, experts in Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) and winners of the CIPS Excellence in Technology Procurement Award. OCG Software Ltd. is registered in England and Wales.

Registered Number 01604358

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